GoPro Fishing

Had a minute to check emails on the road stopping at a Barnes & Noble (nearly finished current read with days to go plus all week next week vacationing with Katie at the Crater of Diamonds!).  Saw the latest Midcurrent.  I am never interested in all their topics, but I scan them for articles of potential interest.

I will admit to generally passing over video references.  I am not big into watching films of someone doing what I WISH I were doing instead of reading about or watching it.  But with my latest acquisition of the GoPro…so I can, you know, take videos knowing that everyone else in the flyfishing world wants to see mine, of course…I backed up and decided to take a look at the flyfishing film techniques article.

I figured I would look through it to see if there were any videography tips I could incorporate to make my first efforts more creditable.  I should have known when I opened it and read the by line of Hank Patterson that I should skip it and get back on the road.  But the guy is just too funny.  I had to watch it.  If there isn’t one already, I am considering starting the “Crazy Reese” Fan Club.  These guys crack me up.

Tyson Reed

Midcurrent Hank Patterson on Fly Fishing 101

February's Meeting

February 7th.
New meeting date, same time.

The date was changed for the guest speaker and to avoid Valentine’s Day.